Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Spandexed full moon

Earlier in the show, Brian asked Rick and I if there was a full moon. We said, I don't think so, but it's something I may have to google after having the city councillors in studio. We had Dawn Sloane and Patrick Murphy in. Dawn came in wearing a white, plastic cowboy hat. Pat was running a little late, so I made my bathroom run during the news and came back and Pat was talking to Rick wearing an orange fleece and spandex pants!! Not going to lie, I shrieked and told Dawn. Then it became a gag throughout the show! To be fair, I think Pat rode his bike to the show, so good for him! Rick was really fired up during the interview too! He took them to task several times, as did several of the callers. Having the councillors in is such an easy way to generate phone calls - everyone wants to take a shot.

I'm so aggravated about these Sunday openings in Metro. I have no issue with Sunday shopping, but it's freakin' CANADA DAY. I mean, they're closed on Xmas and not all of us are Christian, but we're all Canadian! A huge tip of the Hotline baseball cap to Carlo Weickert, who tried to keep the stores closed and to Canadian Tire who will be closed on this upcoming holiday. Thank you. Let's hope the government heeds the NDP's wishes and clarifies this statutory holiday situation, as it's clarified in every othe province with a little common sense.

Well dear listener, sweet dreams tonight thinking about those spandex pants! LOL.

As you know it's generally an open show on Wednesdays, but Bill Casey will be in during the second hour! He'll be talking about the Atlantic Accord discord and his journey over the past few weeks. Apparently, he's just back from Jordan too. That's between 11-12 tomorrow.

Enjoy this heat!




Mr.k said...

I agree that ALL businesses should be closed on Canada Day and if it necessary to have to work then it should be overtime.

Canada day should be a day to celebrate democracy in our country. Un-fortunetly many feel we are no longer in a democratic country. A country where Harper and Rodney MacDonald feel they should dicitate to the peasants as to what they feel is right or wrong. Not what the people feel.

The citizens of Boularderie Island, Avon in the Valley, Digby Neck are just example of how the taxpayers wishes are overlooked. An example of how the government will do as they wish and ignore the people, the ecology and the environment in order to make their party faithful, the big party givers, successful....the more sucessful they are the more money the political parties get.

The people across this country are getting fed up with our politicans and their party ways. The people aren't going to take much more before they lash out.

This province of NS and this country, Canada are slowly being run by a dictatorship government. We, the peasants, will do as the government says.

Dictatorship, Canadian style.

sos said...

Amber,Sunday shopping though being a Christian day for some of the people, wasn't that way for a lot of retail workers in this province. It was a day for them to be home with their families. Canada Day is for all Canadians, though I think it should include everything. Restaurants,call centres, casinos,taverns. All non essential services should be closed.
I do have a question for you, do you think stores should be allowed to open Good Friday or Christmas Day? A Holiday can be Christian but it may still have a different meaning to other people that enjoy that day home. Hope you see what I'm trying to get at. Darrell Dexter wants Statutory Holidays regulated. So let me get this straight. Stores shouldn't be told when they can open or close on Sundays but holidays are different. How is this different? We would still be telling store owners what to do! I have no problem with them being told when they have to close. Then retail workers and management would have a choice. A law can give choice to those who can't have it.

Anonymous said...


Good Evening.

I would like to begin by saying should we be surprised why our Province seems to be in such dismay. To date Unfortunalety Thousands of Good Paying Full time Jobs have left the Province.

Then we have the on going Problems with the retail Act or lack there of, Hence the current Problems with some Store open some Stores closed for Canada Day. and last but certainly not least is the on going Problems with the Atlantic Accord.

The Common Denominator in all the above is Rodney MacDonald and the Conserative goverment? Problem after Problem after Problem, and to date there seems to be No Leadership and No solutions to the above, truly unfortunate.

Amber as always Keep up the Good Work.

UFCW Canada