Friday, June 29, 2007

A great list

First off, apologies for not blogging yesterday!

Rick mentioned Bill Casey this morning on the Hotline. Bill has been mentioned as the top performer in the Commons this session! The list is great, especially the biggest underachievers. Gordon O' Connor is at the top of the list! It's very interesting to read:

Can't wait for this widely rumoured cabinet shuffle? Can you imagine Stockwell Day as Defense Minister? Rick can just stop preparing for the show, that move alone would carry us through as a topic to discuss. Can you imagine his P.R. stunts for that? Would he come to his first news conference dressed in camo with his face painted? Please, Prime Minister Harper, for the love of the Hotline, make it happen!

So...would you vote for Cecil Wright for Mayor? That was one caller's suggestion during the sports hour. He says he wouldn't run for mayor, but he didn't rule out a run at council. Wouldn't that be fantastic? I think he would do a great job and bring some badly needed common sense to the joint. Did you hear Rick's interview with Harry McInroy today? The Cole Harbour councillor was talking about the closure (finally) of the Halifax 2014 Commonwealth Games office. Then he tells Rick, Halifax could be on the hook for any debt during next year's World Hockey Championships being held in conjunction with Quebec City. Huh? More on this on Tuesday, I'm sure.

Cecil and Joan had a slightly more civil conversation today about their favourite teams, the Red Sox and the Blue Jays, respectively. Joan called her Jays, "young and spicy", and referred to the Sox as "old and tired". I love when Joan calls, she's a spitfire. Although, we were all disturbed when she said she was in love with Ben from PEI during the 9:30-10 hour on Wednesday.

Rick spoke to Jim Connors about the drug Avastin and apparently, a decision on whether the province will fund the drug will come next week. Bill Casey is definitely the frontrunner for Hotline Nova Scotian of the Year, but I think Jim Connors should be in the running too. He is battling cancer himself and is fighting to have the province fund this drug that could extend the lives of people living with colorectal cancer. Good luck Jim! The Hotline is behind you 100 % on this one.

Banning cell phones in cars - it's a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned and I don't know why a provincial politician hasn't suggested this legislation and scored some really easy political points. I think we've all had near death experiences with someone in a car on a cell.

All right...time to go, so remember, we're off Monday and back on Tuesday with the summer edition of the Hotline. We're on from 9-11 and Rick is there next week. After that AJ takes over. sure to tune in for Rick's last week, okay?

Talk to you then!

Happy Canada Day!!



P.S. Here are the words for O Canada. Might want to brush up before Sunday!


O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy hearts command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


Anonymous said...


Good Evening.

Cecil Wright is truly a good guy however I here him a lot on the Hotline Show complaining about the condition of the Ball Diamonds in and around the "HRM" area. As you know it is easy to complain but finding a funding solution is the real answer somthing I have not heard him say nor provide.

Red Sox

Anonymous said...

It should be brought back.
Actually, NEEDS to be brought back.

The Canadian Anthem played over every schools, PA system, every morning. Student's taught from Grade Primary, right on up to grade 12, Stand at Attention while it's being played over every schools PA system.
If the school is primarily ENGLISH -play the entire Canadian Anthem in ENGLISH, with the shorter FRENCH language chorus at the end.