Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Atlantica Party

Very interesting...check out this link someone just sent me:

Hmmmm....what do you think? Maybe Rick will try go get one of the members on the show this week.

That's one of a couple of things that might spark some debate tomorrow. Another is the government decision to pay a million dollars to a private company to use its facility to do orthopedic surgeries. The Nova Scotia Nurses Union has come out hard against it, so tomorrow should be pretty interesting!

What's in our drinking water, kind of scary to think about it isn't it!! Someone called off the air and wanted to know Helen's credentials. Good question! She's incredibly knowledgable yes, but is she a scientist? I'm going to google her right now and see what I can find. Well, I'm back and apparently Helen has a Masters in Science and a Doctorate in Education. So, there you go, informed, intelligent with the degrees to back it up! I completely agree with her though - how can the Halifax Water Commission say there aren't dangerous levels of pharmaceuticals in the water when they've never tested them? I told Rick it must be a money issue. The Water Commission can't even afford to replace ancient dying pipes in the ground, let along start a new pharaceutical testing program. So, it looks like we're just going to have to swallow what they're giving us, for now anyway.

Chickens. I thought 2008 was supposed to be the year of the rat, not the bloody chicken! Another chicken caper, this one in Upper Tantallon. This city is so backwards sometimes, it drives me nuts.

Ben called off the air today, he didn't want to get on, but wanted to gloat because apparently there's an article in the Guardian today about Bon Jovi coming to Charlottetown this summer. He also told me he doesn't want to be called Ben anymore, he wants to be called "Loverboy"! Ha!! Ben rules.

Jerbear called in with a good one today too - what do you get when you spell "evian" backwards? Exactly!! Always a pleasure to talk to Jerbear!

So, the mission in Afghanistan has cost 7.5 billion dollars? Maybe we should look at the debt in the U.S. and take a sober second look at this.

Great cartoon from Bruce MacKinnon in the Chronicle-Herald today! All the major late night shows were on it last night too, it was hilarious. These are from

  • Stephen Colbert remained deadpan on his Comedy Central Colbert Report, saying of Spitzer, "I sat next to the guy three times and I didn't pick up on any of this, and I usually have excellent whore-dar."

  • "They're talking about impeaching Eliot Spitzer if he doesn't step down," said Late Show's David Letterman, "and I'm thinking, 'Whoa, a Democrat being impeached for extramarital sex. Well, happy days are here again!' "

  • Spitzer, who was accused of being Client 9 for the call-girl ring, was even topic one with Late Night host Conan O'Brien, who joked, "Not surprisingly, clients 1 through 8 were Charlie Sheen."

  • Finally, The View co-host Joy Behar opined, "Aren't you sick of men? Viagra is destroying our government."

On that note, I will chat with you tomorrow!




Mr.k said...

Hello Amber.....i've been missing far too many shows....too many medical test being done and i am missing out on my required dosage of Rick and his many fans...choking here.....

anyhow with regards to Gov just goes to show just how many hypocrits there are in every form of governmen. Now if he can be impeached, why can't Rod the Stud. He preached about family values while doing his thingy with Sassy Sasha...she got a big job with Emera and Rod got elected....doesn't there seem to be something wrong with that pic?

With regards to drinking water and all the crap that is in it, check out Sludgewatch and see what they have to say about the toxic sludge that is being spread on fields for farmers to raise dairy cattle.

Cattle has been dying from ingesting the grass that has been grown on ground that was fertilized with sludge from sewage treatment plants..

The sewage sludge fertilizer is full of pharmaceutical is getting in the milk that we serve to our kids in schools and is so much pushed as good for you.

Now watch and see where HRM will be marketing the sludge from their own facilities..

N-Viro is the company Hfx has contracted to turn their sewage sludge into fertilizers that they are encouraging municapalities to use in areas such as landfill sites, mine reclamation sites and use for gardens...although it is not recommended for agricultural purposes...

Personaly I don't like drinking water although i do drink a lot of milk and am thinking twice about it as well.

It has been said in the past that what is killing everybody as far as cancers go is the food we are eating.

Most of the fish we eat around the Maritimes are bottom feeders(something like our politicans)...lobster, sole , cod , haddock, halibut, crab and lobster and so on....when you think about the sewage going into many harbours and things like the run off from projects like the Tar Ponds and munitions and mustard gas cylinders dumped off our shores as well as insecticides and pesticides from farming operations going into the sea around here, one has to consider what they have on their plates such as lobster that is allowed to be fished out of Hfx. Hbr and Sydney Hbr.

Also orange groves, olive groves, grapes, grapfruit, and many other delicious(?) fruit importated from the US and other countries are all being grown now from sewage sludge fertilizers.

Pretty scary when you stop and think about it all.

The water in Mexico has a reputation of making a tourist sick , but the alternative is Tequila and limes....lime kills all the bacteria....ufortunitly the limes are also grown using Mexican water...


Now what to have for supper/dinner?

Anonymous said...

The only way pharmaceuticals can get into Lake Major or Pockwock Lake is if someone goes and spikes the water and considering the size of those lakes, your going to need a couple of dump truck loads of drugs to cause any danger (ok maybe a bit of exaggeration but not much) to the water supply. Further, as to heavy metals, these are lakes and unless there are some unknown veins underneath them,, heavy metal is a non-issue. Now if our supply was coming from rivers or sources where waste is dumped then yes you would have to test for eveything.

Now as to wells, that's a different matter all together as they will all have different sources. As long as the users test their water on a regular basis there should be no problem.

Unfortunately your guest was more concerned with fear-mongering, than dealing with fact.