Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yes, plus lessons and apologies.

First of all, about Hillary Clinton - YES, YES, YES!!!!! I know I said it yesterday but I believe it is her DESTINY to win the Democratic presidential nomination. It's not Obama's turn yet.

Now, the lessons. I must listen to CJCH. Normally I catch a few casts in the morning, but didn't have a chance this morning. I was driving to work today so I stepped out on my front porch and was stunned by the slipperiness. I knew there was supported to be freezing rain, but I looked outside and it looked kind of normal. Then I start walking down the driveway, nearly wiping out like 7 times. Plus, it was a lot colder than what I thought it was going to be! So, I have no gloves, my light winter coat is open and I finally slide my way to my car and it's totally frozen over It looks like an old pack of fish sticks you find in your freezer that have been there for 5 years. I get the scraper and try to scrape it off. No, that's accomplishing nothing. I turn on the car and crank the heat, while I'm desperately trying to chip away the ice, looking at the time realizing I might be late for work! Anyway, I get the car scraped and I'm on the road at 9:53...sweating since the Hotline starts at 10!!! So yes, it was an exceedingly pleasant start to my day and my arms are still exhausted from all the scraping! So, do I think schools should have been closed? HELL YEAH! Marlene really gave it to Rick today "You better give it up!"

So, I already wanted to cry when I was dealing with my icemobile this morning and then I really did cry when Rick read the letter from Francine today. She has cancer and it's pretty much meant the end of all the good things in her life. It's such a lesson to be grateful for what you have and try to enjoy each day, no matter what life throws at you. I'll definitely be praying for Francine. Stay strong!

We did hear some positive things today like the fact Pat's husband is cancer-free! That's good to hear.

Ummm...anyone else think David Hendsbee might have a hard time winning the upcoming municipal election? I hate when politicians don't admit when they messed up. People are quite forgiving when you own up to something and try to make it right. It's mea culpa time, in my humble opinion.

Well, tomorrow and Friday look like they are going to be 2 nice days, so we just have to survive today!

Good luck with that!



1 comment:

Mr.k said...

Hello Amber.....your lookin good.

I missed the show the last couple of days..hopefuly tomorrow I'll be able to tune in.

I've been having some exposure to the healthcare system as well this week and more to come....Yesterday was for x-rays....1 1/2 hr waiting ahead of me.....came back at 11 and walked right in and was taken care in a very professional manner...

Thought I would mention that as far too often people don't thank our technicans and nurses and staff , enough....and all it takes is a simple Thank-you.

Reading about your slip and slide, i was wondering what you had on your feet....proper winter boots or what i see so often and wonder how they do it is, boots or shoes with high heels....danger danger....

One of the people who I enjoy heading on the show is this lady Pat....sounds like she has had a hard life and speaks from experiance...seems like she enjoys helping people and appreciates things in life as small as they may be....she sounds very sincere with everything she talks about.....very glad to hear about her husband.....everybody has problems of some sort...she is the type that deserves to win big in a lottery....

Did anybody mention about Rodney and the Naked Cowboy? I so wanted to be home to do so....oh the thoughts...Rodney keeps dpoing things to again prove he is indeed a better entertainer than he is a politician . and on a complimentry level to Rodney , which normally never happens, he really is a good entertainer....I 'll give him credit for that....and if he could get rid of the"BIG BUSINESS" hand up his butt, he could give up his act as a "Big business Puppett"

Anyhow kid...Smile , and remember how fortunate a person is to have good health, good family and good friends.

PS: I don't think oil will ignite if you toss a match at it....gas will....oil actually needs a flame such as burning paper or such....a molataf cocktail type of fuel...

Excuse my spelling as I am just a lousey spelling B awards for me I can assure you.