Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Rick Howe cool look

Mike Savage said Denis Coderre grew a "Rick Howe style" beard when he travelled to Afghanistan. Rick's response: "Well, at least he looked cool". How true!

So...some changes might be on the way to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Hey, it's great to hear but who actually thinks these changes are coming? Minister Nicholson was short on specifics and if there is a federal election, this was just another empty promise. It's great that Murray Scott is pleased, I was pleased too when I heard it yesterday, but now I'm feeling utterly skeptical again.

A lot of the conversation during hour number 2 revolved around Stephane Dion and whether he has the support of caucus. Mike Savage and Geoff Regan pledged their support and Geoff pointed out Michael Ignatieff made a public pledge to support Dion as well. As soon as I heard that I thought about Brian Mulroney - didn't he made a similar pledge to Joe Clark? Nothing is sacred in politics. I do agree with the MPs though that Dion's english has vastly improved - I commented on that a few blogs back.


Very interesting - this should be a hot topic on the show tomorrow! Pretty shrewd. I guess "Steve" knows NFLD is a lost cause, so he might as well focus on retaining seats on NS, especially with the possibility of a provincial election. If Rodney does make the health care matter a confidence one, he could easily campaign on this and possibly win. Very, very interesting!!!!

Danny Williams won 70 per cent of the popular vote in his province yesterday. That is astounding! We'll have to see if NS voters will embrace this new deal or punish Harper for letting us "twist in the wind" (a la Joe Torre) all this time.

Anyway, more on these and other issues tomorrow on the HOTLINE!



1 comment:

Mr.k said...

Helloooooooooo Amber

Listening to Savage and Reagan was like listening to all the politicans. They all have the answers when they are in the opposition. I understand from others that Geoff is no different than his old man...and that was nothing to bragg about...
on a flight from Toronto to Halifax one evening I was witness to staff carrying Regan senior off the plane loaded drunk. he should have been put on a no fly list if they had them in affect at the time. He was very ignorant to the female flight attendents.
And John Savage didn't do us any good when he was in either.
He didn't like Capers thats for sure. I don't think Reagan did either....seems none of them like us Capers.
I'm what is referred to as a Cape Breton Newfoundlander.

The Youth Criminal Justice Act works quite well here.. heres the way it works...if i catch you on or near my property I will kick your ass across the turf, my law...very simple....

And your right, there is nothing sacred in politics. I remember Joe Who....

After watching Harper on the CTV news(no CBC) and him saying Cassey was not welcome back in cacaus and that he will be replaced by a Conservative, I thought" You ignorant bastard."
He is the one that doesn't deserve to be put back in. I think everyone in Cassey's area should vote for him and nobody else....he is the Honorable one....not Harper and certainly not MacDonald or MacKay.

Talk to you tomorrow....10am for the 2 Amegeos????

Later kid.