Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Trading places

You know how someone can have such a fabulous life that you would give anything to trade places with them? I felt kind of the opposite feeling today. If someone forced me to trade places with Stephane Dion, well, that would be....hell. I feel kind of bad for the guy on a human level, but c'mon - he got seriously outplayed! Harper's team have crafted a scenario when he can't lose! Even if we do have an election, he'd probably win another minority - no harm, no foul. Stephane Dion brought this on himself with an inept team, weak positions and a general lack of anything even remotely resembling charisma. I believe it was caller Barry who today stated "Dion has the charima of a turnip". It's mean, but it's something you do have to have in order to lead and inspire a nation!

The only way the Liberals are going to get out of this is to accept the throne speech, Dion has to quit, get Ignatieff in there - stat - and then start getting him on the speaking circuit doing some major party fundraising. If Dion accepts the throne speech and stays - hello, Harper majority. You heard it hear first! Why do you think so many Liberals aren't re-offering in the next election? As soon as Dion came aboard, they started dropping like flies. Dion is old school Chretien - it's over. God, I love politics!!!!!!!! Oh, and you know things are going downhill if Denis Coderre, one of the biggest publicity piggies around, doesn't want a job that will guarantee him face time with the cameras.

Selfishly, I hope there is no election so there will be question period on every day again. I know, I'm crazy, Mike Savage tells me that every time he in!

Have you noticed this week that Rick is being a little saucier than usual? It makes it extra-fun for me to listen to! The mayor handled Rick's questions with the usual aplomb. Say what you want about the mayor, but he has a tonne of class and refuses to go in the gutter (no matter how blatantly Rick baits him). He says council would work better if people put their personal issues aside and focused on the issues. I agree!! I think if the Mayor had to work with a council that was a little less hostile and not gunning for his head, the city would work a lot smoother. Do you know how much restraint it must take not to start screaming at some of these council members, especially ones who are actively campaigning to take his job?

Rick asked the Mayor briefly about the Windsor street exchange and the changes some people feel are quite dangerous. I haven't driven in the area yet, but I will because I got a new car! Whoo-hoo! I'm extremely happy about it, but something struck me when the Mayor was talking about how it is the traffic authority's responsibility to create a safe area in which Halifax residents can drive. How about putting up some roadsigns on actual poles? That is so frustrating to me, being a new driver in the city. It's kind of hard to see arrows on the road when my car or someone else's car is on top of it. Arrows on roads would be very complementary to actual signs people can see if their cars aren't see through.

Who is sick of this cat by-law? It's been deferred again, will be deja vu next week...again.

Well, thank you so much for listening today and always! Talk to you tomorrow!




Anonymous said...

Amber; The problem with this council is that the mayor hom ever it is has no authority.when you have this many people sitting around a table you need a leader with rules.

David B.

Anonymous said...

peter stoffer for pm
speaking of sauce. don't tailgate
and you will see the arrows,new drivers should be tested every month for a year.!!!!

thks lil book