Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It's our cake!

So there, Dalton McGuinty!!

John Buchanan completely rebuffed DM's weak argument accusing Nova Scotia of "wanting its cake and eating it too" by saying "it's our cake", meaning why shouldn't we have access and profit from our own resources?

As I mentioned in previous blogs, J.B. is one of the most charming men and he started charming Yvonne and all the girls even before the show started!! Listening to him was great; love him or hate him as a Premier, he's a great person and that's an attribute that cannot be taken away from him. He's 76 and he told us he and his wife Mavis will be celebrating their 53rd wedding anniversary on September 1st. He called his wife his "rock of Gibraltar" and gave us a little insight about the toll on the family when one member is in politics. It tied in really nicely to what we heard yesterday from the wives of Geoff Regan and Peter Stoffer.

Little known fact extracted from Yvonne - JB was once elected as the President of a Young Liberals club back in University! He says he was razzed about that while in the legislature. If I have time later, I'm going to try and read the hansard and post what Gerry Regan said to him about that! It was so interesting to hear that John Diefenbaker was the man who suggested politics to him and then he goes on to be one of the longest serving premiers in Canadian history.

When asked about Stephen Harper, I felt he was pretty honest and says he would give the Prime Minister a mark of about 65-70% so far. He didn't say too much about the Premier, but urged MacDonald to "stay the course" in terms of fighting for the Atlantic Accord.

So, did you hear Yvonne drop the hint about Rick Howe Sunday shopping? Not in Boston, not in Toronto, but in HALIFAX. I can't wait to chat with Rick about this when he comes back!!!

A bit of a stunner during Yvonne's last call. One of our regulars, Wade, admitted he carries a 9mm with him when he leaves his house!!! Wow. Isn't that sad that regular citizens feel they have to arm themselves when walking in their own neighbourhoods? Then Wade said something that made me ever sadder - if he did happen to shoot someone, he believes he would just get house arrest and that's probably true. I was saddened because criminals obviously have no fear of the law. If regular citizens don't, criminals certainly don't either. Has it come time where people feel they need to turn to vigilante justice?

As for Yvonne's question if people should be walking around at midnight on the streets of Halifax, that's a tough one. I would say "No", people shouldn't be out because of these crimes, the majority of them taking place after midnight. You are lowering your chances of being a victim by not being out. But that's easy for me to say, as I work 9-5. On the other hand, say someone just finishes working their shift at Tim Horton's or at a convenience store and they're walking home at midnight because taking a taxi would take 2 hours of their pay. Shouldn't they be able to walk home from their jobs without the fear of attack? It's not right that criminals rule the streets after dark and are starting to terrorize people during the day as well.

It's sad, isn't it? How do we change it?

That's why we have the Hotline, I guess. To hopefully try and make sense of this world in which we have to live.

Be sure to give us a call tomorrow - it's an all open show.

Take care,


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