Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I miss Jean Chretien

I stayed up late to watch an interview with Jean Chretien last night on TV. Watching I realized how much I missed him and what a great Prime Minister he was! He's tough, smart, yet affable. I really want to read his book. I had to give Rick back his copy of the Brian Mulroney book, honestly, I couldn't get through it. The guy is so incredibly pompous. There is a paragraph about something that happened, then a journal entry from the time. It.is.so.boring.

What do you think about this new crime strategy? I think it sounds okay, but what is with this government and the major delays on things that might actually do some good? Greenhouse gas reductions by 2020, the mental health court up and running by the end of 2009? We don't trust governments as it is, so it's a little hard for me to believe the programs will be up and running by the time they say - heck, they could be booted from office at that point!

For those interested in St. Patrick's Church on Brunswick St. here is the website Blair told us about:


I want to give a shout-out to my buddy Ben on PEI! Whoo-hoo!! I, like Ben, am a huge Gloria McCluskey fan. He's nominated her for Hotline Nova Scotian of the Year! We'll see if she makes the cut tomorrow. Rick will list the top 4 or 5 candidates and then we'll vote until next week. We'll have to see if they are shutting down the leg. too, and we'll have to count the days to see who won our leg. poll. If they just close for Christmas, we'll keep tallying the January numbers too, but Rick thinks they are going to shut it down soon! What a farce.

A big thank you to the Hotline listeners who opened their wallets to help a stranger. That speaks to the generosity and caring natures of the Hotline listeners and it's very touching. Thanks again!

Have a great day! Here's another thing I like to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS!


1 comment:

Mr.k said...

Merry Christmas to you as well Amber.

The last couple of day tuning into your show has been difficult. Lousy reception..Hopefully tomorrow is better.

And your right. These government ministers coming up with goal dates to have certain things fixed will probably never happen. And I believe you are right again when you say "HECK" they may be booted out by then...

Hopefully they will be long gone with the next government coming to bat with the same excuses and whinning as the Tories. The next government whether they be Liberal or NDP will blame the Tories for all that is wrong. Same as Rodney and his ministers blamed the Liberals.

Point is that they are all the same. And if the people keep putting the "SAME" in , then they deserve to get what they do or do not get.

With regards to people of this province coming out and helping this lady with Emera(NSP) and her problems. Doesn't surprise me of Maritimers to give.

I saw a young mother this evening in the town of Sydney Mines filling up a 5 gal gas container with furnace oil. That tells me that she has to oil in her tank and therefore there is no heat. A young mother with 3 kids.

Its no un-common to see people purchasing furnace oil at service stations around here. I have known families to have no heat at all because they didn't have enough change to purchase even just 5 gals. Sad.

I know of an elderly lady, who is now deceased,at the time was living with her un-employed , mentaly challenged 30s daughter. Mentally challenged from bad drugs.
I had to pay them a visit one very cold day in Jan a few years back. When I arrived both the mother and daughter were going around with mittens, jackets and warm hats on. You could see your breath that day in their house. The water tap was on slow drip to help avoid freezing of the pipes.
They had to wait till the end of the month for their welfare checks to come in the mail in order to get oil in their tank.
Or young families trying to heat their trailer with a Coleman stove. And kerosene lamps for light at night because Emera (NSP) cut them off.

When you consider the profits earned for Emera(NSP) shareholders and the high incomes we pay our politicans with increases of 21% and how much money Rodney gives his friends of his Tory party.
Or how much time and money went into"cat by laws"

Nobody in a civilized democratic society should have to face the hardships that many face, while our governments and big business squander millions of dollars for ideals like shuttle launch pads and electronic toilet seats.

Emera's (NSP) profits are from killing the environment. At that rate, I guess people really don't mean all that much to them.
