Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You've got to be kidding me!

Some wacky calls today, eh?

Even though everything Rick was accused of today on the show is total bunk, it is kind of fun to hear him riled up, isn't it?

Man oh man, is Stephane Dion in major trouble or what? Despite the fact that his english has improved, he is not connecting with the voters! I read news for a living, it's my job to keep up on the news, I read 3 papers everyday, surf the internet incessantly, watch news outside of work and guess what? I haven't got a sweet clue what Stephane Dion stands for. No idea, except he wants Canadian troops out of Afghanistan by 2009. I haven't heard any concrete plans for any other issue. So, if total news junkies can't figure out what he's about, regular non-news obsessed people probably aren't either - and it showed when the Liberals struck out last night, big time, in Quebec. Stephen Maher's column in the Herald is very juicy today, suggesting Michael Ignatieff's people were behind the defeat in Outremont. Check it out! Plus, Dion didn't want Justin Trudeau to run in Outremont and in retrospect, that looks like a pretty bad decision.

We heard more about the Commons watch being proposed and I definitely think it's a good idea. What is also good though: being alert. I walk through the Commons at least once a week, twice last week, once really late. I wasn't alone and I am constantly keeping my head up, looking around, not listening to an MP3 player. You have to stay alert! Preventing that though, are the huge bushes that could easily hide a massive swarm of people. I'mnever a fan of cutting down trees or greenery, but in this case it is a safety concern. The lighting sucks too. Maybe they can put more than 60 watt bulbs (or what it seems like anyway) in the Commons. The lighting is very hazy and it needs to be a lot brighter!

I nearly died when Rick was talking about an excuse issued by a Newfoundland M-L-A implicated in that big spending scandal there. The M-L-A, who allegedly used taxpayers' money to buy alcohol defended himself by saying he only used it on alcohol he drank while doing government business. Oh, well, okay then! I'm sure writing legislation is a lot easier when you're half in the bag.

Anyway, have a great day! The whole week looks awesome, weather wise, anyway!

Take care,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Hotline.

In regards to Stephane Dion one thing comes to mind. A before O or Up you go!

It was nice knowing Buddy.

Endorsed by Stepping on Dion.