Friday, January 11, 2008

All business

Wade Keller is right on. In regards to the Premier's plea to get David Letterman to come to N.S. in the form of a top 10 list, you can't be all business all the time. The issue I have is if the Premier is ever business. I think the video would have been funnier if he had been done by Danny Williams, someone who actually accomplishes things in his province, I think it would have been funnier. Since the Premier has a reputation of someone you can't take all that seriously (I actually giggle when he puts on his "serious voice"), I wasn't diggin' it too much. It's a neat thing to do, I would LOVE to see Letterman, he's amazing. I guess it could have been a little more clever and I don't know, maybe as someone said today, voiced by an actual comedian?? That's the suggestion one caller made off the air. On the upside, the Premier got a glowing endorsement from Rick, which I think is the first time that's happened, well, the history of the universe and Wade told us the Premier will be on the show. All very exciting.

Sir Edmund Hillary is dead at the age of 88. I feel really sad about this!! I've read quite a few books and seen a few documentaries about climbing Mount Everest and it's fascinating. It's sad to say good-bye to the very first person to climb Everest. Let's not forget his Sherpa Tenzing Norway!

So...another great hour with the Rodenhiser during hour number 1. I see in the Daily News they have taken out an ad promoting David on the air with another station in our building and then on our show on Fridays. I love the hour with the Rodenhiser, it takes a normal open hour and kicks it up a notch. The banter between the boys is always very funny, I just sit back and laugh. Funny story: David takes the bus down to the station and then usually walks or takes the bus back to work downtown. After the hour ended, I got a call from a cabbie willing to give David a ride downtown so he could talk to him about this deregulation issue and made it very clear with his statement: "I promise I won't kill him". Guess what? David walked.

Today's show was actually kind of different in that it was more on the light-hearted side with the Premier's top 10 list. No one blew a gasket today, which is very rare!!! Wait, I spoke too soon, Rick did blow a gasket when talking with Bert after Bert said he was friends with this judge, which was patently untrue.

What's also untrue is talk about politicians shutting down the Hotline! Seriously, working on the show has turned me into a cynical conspiracy theorist too, but trust me, if the Hotline does go, it's a format issue and a format issue only. Politicians don't control ANYTHING around here, seriously. I don't even want to say anything more about it because it's so incredibly WRONG.

Anyway, lunchtime for this kid. Have a great weekend and we'll chat with you about everything and anything on Monday.



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