Monday, April 9, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

As are a few photos I took over the weekend. The lines are very faded, so let's hope these crosswalks are slated to be re-painted this year.

Anyway...the issue of crosswalks wasn't an issue on the show today, as we focused mainly on the military. What terrible news from Afghanistan. A lot of people were really upset about it and with good reason. Be sure to tune in tomorrow to hear a debate between John Boileau, a former soldier and Andrea Hill-Lehr, the mother of a soldier. It should be very interesting.

There is something I have to get off my chest. The mere insinuation that anyone tells Rick what can or cannot be discussed on the Hotline is LUDICROUS! Seriously! It could not be a more laughable or just plain WRONG suggestion. Rick is the be all and end all to what goes on the show. There is no one pulling the strings from behind the scenes. You've seen Rick on TV! You know he hasn't been bought! One of the first conditions would probably be to remove his hat! He doesn't take off his hat and no one tells him what he can and can't talk about on the show. Seriously, that could not be further from the truth.

Somone mentioned before, the Hotline is one of the last bastions of democracy in N.S. I couldn't agree with that assertion more!

So thanks for listening and although there are conspiracies out there (with good reason), Rick's show is a free and open one and we encourage everyone to call and take advantage of it!!

There will probably be a change in the poll for tomorrow though. We did set a new Hotline record with some 25-hundred votes at one point! I think tomorrow, you will be able to vote once from each computer. I don't think the question was that controversial, as to generate so much interest. But - thank you for reading, voting and listening!

Talk to you tomorrow,


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