Monday, April 30, 2007

Greedy gangsters?

That was one caller's opinions of the striking workers at the IWK. What do you think? Take our poll today and let us know! Despite Bert's call, we had a lot of callers supporting the workers too. Sadly, Joan Jessome had to cancel her appearance on the show and didn't call us back during the 12 o' clock hour.

After Rick talked to Ray, I tried to find the C-E-O salary for both hospitals, but I could only find the Q-E 2. Their top person can make between 270-thousand and 350-thousand dollars a year! Wow! As Rick said, sometimes people take a C-E-O's salary with the grain of salt, but fly into a uproar when a union is asking for something like 3 per cent a year. Let's hope there's a resolution soon for this strike, the first one since 1981.

Rick Clarke, president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour was in, talking about the strike, but also what happened on Saturday. It was the Day of Mourning for workers hurt or killed on the job in Nova Scotia. Rick brought with him some staggering statistics and 22 workers will killed on the job last year alone! I think that is outrageous and unbelievably sad.

Caller Dennis brought up the crosswalk issue again with some great ideas. He wants the city to paint LOOK before a crosswalk and two lines, one about 20 feet it front of it, and the other right at the crosswalk. It makes sense to me! Especially since I was nearly mowed down on Friday and today by two drivers talking on their cell phones! Thanks guys! Dennis suggested something else too. Red light cameras at intersections. I think the drivers of Halifax would probably protest since I see a staggering amount of drivers completely disregard red lights in this city. They would be impoverished!!! Dennis wants there to be free parking downtown, and have that income substituted with the income from these cameras. It's a cutting edge idea, so it won't go anywhere. But thanks for the call and the suggestion though Dennis! I agree - Dennis for Supreme Leader! At least he won't have to go head to head with Rick, who is holding out for "President of the World".

Did you like the Ant vs. Grasshopper story? The Canadian version of it Rick read on the air today was classic. I lost it when he mentioned Roy Romanow....that was so clever.

Since the weather sucks this week, it's a great time to sit back, listen to the Rickster and give us a call! Hope to chat with you tomorrow! Dave Rodenhiser is in, so basically it's an all open show. I was really hoping to gloat about correctly predicting the winner of the Nova Scotia Liberal leadership, but sadly, I cannot.

Until tomorrow,


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