Thursday, April 26, 2007



Never did I imagine an entire Hotline program would focus entirely on lightbulbs.

I use the energy saving ones. I used them more at my old house and did notice a substantial savings on my power bill. My new house already had bulbs in, so I'm going to gradually replace them. I bought a couple of new ones from the grocery, but I really hate the light they give off. It reminds me of a bug light, it has a blue tinge to it and I hate it. I guess you've got to experiment to find the ones you like. One caller suggested "Phillips Marathon Brand" to stop the problem Rick experiences with the slow to turn on light. Another caller says there are dimmer switch friendly bulbs you can buy. Also, I'm pretty sure you can't use regular energy efficient light bulbs outside, you have to buy specialty ones. Anyway, it's probably a good idea to do a little research before investing in the bulbs, because they are very expensive.

Rick had an interesting conversation with Councillor Harry McInroy today. He says in Yarmouth, they paint crosswalk lines using fluorescent colours - something that's apparently illegal in Nova Scotia. But they do it anyway. So far, to my knowledge, no one's been arrested or charged. LET'S DO IT HERE!

Speaking of crosswalks, I have my nomination for Hotline Nova Scotian of the Year: Tina Chaulk. I'll be giving Rick my nomination in December.

Peter Duffy is always a riot don't you think? You can check out the website: It's hysterical to read other people's pet peeves! (and to relate to them)

One of the callers slammed the Police today saying: The police here couldn't catch a cold! Yikes!!!!

It came after I gave Rick the stat that there are 39 unsolved murders in Metro, the oldest dating back to 1955. I don't think that's entirely fair. I remember Stephen Kimber wrote this incredible article in the Coast about this detective who was so passionate about his job, but couldn't do it anymore because his body was breaking down. There are a lot of cops with a tonne of passion for the job, but hey, sometimes you just don't get the breaks you need on a case. Anwyay, being a police detective is a tough job and I certainly wouldn't want to do it. I have a hard enough time trying to crack the mystery that is Rick Howe's fashion choices!! Ha!

Enjoy the sunshine, as it's expected to rain this weekend!



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