Monday, April 2, 2007


Welcome to the newest addition to the Hotline - my blog!

It's Amber here, the producer of the Hotline, or the voice you hear very cheerfully answering the phones (well most days anyway!) Now the brass wants me to share my thoughts on things, kind of like a behind the scenes look at the show. You can check this space every couple of days or so for the scoop on the Hotline and other interesting things. I'll let you know what's coming up, give you phone numbers and websites you might have missed on the show and maybe throw some of my own thoughts into the mix too! So, I really hope you enjoy the blog as much as you enjoy the Hotline!

Thanks for listening!



sos said...

I think the blog is an excellent idea Amber. As you know I have spoken on the hotline for a number of years concerning the Sunday shopping issue, and will continue to do so. I'm hoping that you will post our web site on here so that others opposed to Sunday and Holiday shopping, can join us in the fight to get back our unique province that we once had. I miss the quiet walks on a Sunday without all the traffic . Amber keep up the good work. I will post your blog on our web site . Take care Tony

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to this Blogspot catching on with Listener's, could be an entertaing read. :)

Remind Mr. Howe that he told Listener's that he-Hotline was going to be doing something more in the near future in regard to the Stephen Kimber article in The Daily News about the State kidnapping of Baby Mona Claire, that was 2 weeks ago and people are waiting, so get with it Rick!
Happy Easter to all the people who make Hotline a success, the Callers and the Staff of 92 CJCH Hotline.
Halleluah for HE is risen! Easter, a new beginning.

Anonymous said...


Good Evening.

It is nice to see if we miss a hot line show we can now view your comments later in the day. That said it never hurts to have another point of view regarding what happened earlier in the day.

Congrats & all the best.

UFCW Canada