Tuesday, April 15, 2008


From www.thefreedictionary.com:


1. A street urchin.
2. A person of the lowest class.

From www.yourdictionary.com:

gutter·snipe (-snīp′)
a child of the slums who spends most of his or her time in the streets: contemptuous term applied to anyone regarded as having the manners, morals, etc. of the gutter

From www.urbandictionary.com: (my personal favourite)

Gutter Snipe

A dirty, hairy homeless man who lives in alleys and survives on cats, banana peels and puddle water.

The war of words continues between Paul Watson, Danny Williams, and Loyola Hearn. Hmmm, not to be cynical but do you think Danny maybe called Paul Watson a "terrorist" to maybe change the headlines in the paper that are beating him up for this botched breast cancer test scandal in NFLD? Just asking.

I do think it's kind of funny that Farley Mowat is in on this debacle as well, throwing out the word "Guttersnipe" and paying the bonds for the crew in jail yesterday.


Today was really interesting. I'll go back to something I said last week. If you're against something, that's great - it's better for the show that way! However, I wish people would come at issues without resorting to personal attacks. Make an intelligent argument for yourself and people will probably concede on some level. Both sides in the seal debate come at each other with such incivility - why go personal? I want to come out and say I'm against the seal hunt but I can't. It's my own personal hatred of hypocrisy. I'm not a vegan or a vegetarian, so how can I be against the slaughter of seals and be for the slaughter of chickens?? It's speciesism, so I can't go there.

I heard something so sad today that made me forget this seal business for a while. Rick mentioned the food riots in Haiti and how some of the people were eating dirt cookies. That hit me like a tonne of bricks. We have so much food here!!! Even if you're poor, there are a lot more options than eating dirt. That gives you some perspective about the difference between poor people in Canada and poor people in Haiti.


It does suck that seals are being killed. But maybe we have to focus on the plight of fellow human beings once in a while too.

I feel guilty for breaking for lunch. This is why I love the Hotline; it gives me some much needed perspective from time to time.

Take care,


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