Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two faces

Here's a picture of the 2-faced baby Rick was talking about today.
Here's the link to the story:
Bruce Devenne had a pretty good line when Rick told the story and then said "Hi, Bruce!" Bruce came back with "Talk about a born politician". Ha!
Hey, I wanted to give you the link to George Murphy's blog - I didn't know he had one!
It's: http://www.gasandoil.blogspot.com/ I was shaking my head listening to George say home heating oil is going to be MORE expensive next year! That's unreal, and scary for those who have had tonnes of issues this year keeping their homes warm.
Rick was getting a little frustrated today because everyone kept calling him "Rickster". It's one of my favourite nicknames for him, but I didn't start it - that credit goes to Ben from PEI who starts every call with the obligatory "Whoo-hoo", then follows it up with "Ricksteeeeeeeerr". So, blame Ben.
Will called up and he wants credit for breaking the story about Paul McCartney! Trust me, Will, Rick says you told him, he's giving you tonnes of credit. Full credit can't be gleaned though, unless it comes true! Let's hope it does, that will be an incredible concert for Atlantic Canada - thanks for the scoop, Will!
So, promoting 250 years of democracy costs 9-million dollars a year. Hmmm. Maybe we should promote 100 years of paved roads and put some money into fixing our bloody potholes. Just a thought.
Anyway, thanks for tuning in! Talk to you tomorrow!

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