Friday, May 4, 2007

You gotta know when to fold 'em

Sadly, a gambling addiction doesn't always seem that easy to break. We heard Debbie Langille's story today on the show and what a sad story it is! She's with the group Gameover VLTs and as you might have heard, they're having a full day workshop tomorrow at the Loyola Building at Saint Mary's. Luckily, she's channeled her addiction into helping others.

I don't know about Rick, but I love gambling, love going to the Casino, love everything about it. But, since I know I love it so much I go to the casino just once a year. I take 20 dollars, bet it, love every second of it (except when I lose) and then leave. I know I have to because I feel like I have the potential to be addicted to gambling. It is criminal that the government actually makes money of people's addictions. Just like with smoking. It's so hypocritical to spend money on commercials advertising the dangers of smoking when governments profit from it!!

Speaking of government, what did you think about Rodney MacDonald's new "get tough" attitude with Prime Minister Harper? Do you think Harper is as Rick said "quivering in his boots"? I think it's a bit hypocritical to day "a deal is a deal is a deal", when he didn't live up to come of his own election promises. Do as I say, not as I do, I guess.

Peter Stoffer was fired up today when Rick interviewed him! Did you hear him drop the A-bomb? Rick and traded shocked looks across the desk!! Plus, he's an MP, besides Ken Dryden who has some common sense and basically said the Shane Doan issue is a complete NON-issue and we should all move on to bigger and better things!! Thank you Peter! Also, thanks for the great quote: "If you're not Dutch, you're not much"!

The HCAP thing was pretty interesting yesterday eh? I was thinking to myself though when Rick was doing his rant that there's a reason social assistance is low. It's so people don't stay on it forever! Disability is a whole different issue. I am glad there are people actively looking to end poverty, that is very admirable. Tactics wise though, I don't know. I guess the approach I agreed with most taking my Poli Sci classes at Dal was "quiet diplomacy". If you want to make changes, change it from the inside.

Rick had a pretty interesting conversation with Dave to start the Friday free for all at 11. Dave told Rick, in essence, that he was a bad parent because he still has to sometimes discipline his 16-year old son. I was incredulous when I heard this, because apparently Dave has 2 complete angels! Congrats to him on that, but I still broke curfew when I was 16 and you know, goofed off...little things. Rick's son isn't going around robbing banks or anything, which is kind of how Dave played it off!! The whole conversation stemmed from the woman in the U-N calling for a complete spanking ban in Canada. Take the poll today and let us know what you think! Maybe we should take away the right to spank kids, but only with the provision that we can actively slap politicians whenever we want!

During the sports hour Rick and Cecil did a great interview with former major league pitcher Bill Lee. It was so entertaining to listen to. My favourite part was when he trashed one of his old rivals calling him a "Duvet Cover". Ouch.

Have a great's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to re-charging for the next one! Do you want to hear something scary? Only 6 more weeks until the Rickster goes on holiday! WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?

Slow it down and relax this weekend!



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