Monday, February 25, 2008

Back to the ol' farm

It's a sad day for Louise Hanavan. She has to say good-bye to her chickens today. They are heading to a farm in Hants County. We want to wish Captain Crochet, Bernadette and Chicken a fond Hotline farewell. Who would have though 3 hens could have generated so much chatter on the Hotline in '08.

Total shocker for me today listening to Jim Bauld. Apparently we can recycle all plastic bags - from bread bags to cereal bags and the city recycles those and sells them to make plastic plant holders! Although I think that's great, I think we need to curb the use of plastic. I think it would be better if the city encouraged people to use more cloth bags and then maybe added different numbered plastic as stuff that can be recycled, like 5 or 7. But it's great - I always used to throw out cereal bags, etc.

How in awe are you of Ellen Page? I think she is awesome. Barbara Walters is so tired, needs to hang it out, but Ellen handled her asinine questions with considerable aplomb. When she played the Moldy Peaches song at the end of the interview I felt so proud. She's just awesome. One thing is for sure - Ellen Page did not lose last night. Rodney. The Premier won't come on our show because he's too busy "running the province", so says his new media guy, Wade Keller. Well, I guess it is kind of hard squeezing in the "running of the province" in 5 days since every weekend is "personal time". Whatever. His loss. I think we may have to resurrect our chicken sound effects for future use!!

I heard something really cool today. Apparently, some members of the Turkey Club heard Rick's interview with Mel Boutilier from the Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank and donated 8-thousand dollars to the shelters Emergency Fund! That is just so amazing! The caller pointed out to me that the government gave the Salvation Army 200-thousand dollars for its emergency program last week. That's all well and good, but you can only get help from the Sally Ann every 5 years!!! So, you can be warm one winter and freeze those other 4. That makes a whole bunch of sense, doesn't it? The short-sightedness of this government kills me. Let's not attack the root cause of poverty - let's put a band-aid on and pat ourselves on the back. Yay! Sorry, feeling slightly embittered today!!! I share Garfield's disdain for Mondays!

Anyway....I have to run and get some lunch, then write some news...then back at it tomorrow!!

Thanks for the calls - chat with you then.



Mr.k said...

If a chicken could talk would it say that it's greatest fear was deep fryer or HRM?

Three cheers to Ellen Page...She has a lot ahead of her...It won't be long before she does have an Oscar.

Now Rodney Mac's future doesn't look as good as Ellen's.
So far he is non-deserving of any kind of awards from the people of NS...Not even three cheers. 3 boos maybe...

The attitude of these elected Tories is beyond understanding.

Those three chickens seem to have more sense than Rodney and his whole cabinet put together.

At least the chickens are more productive and well liked which is more than we can say about the Tory government of NS.

Rodney should go play his fiddle somewhere way back in the Highlands of CB and see if any love struck moose actually give a frig.

He seems to be more concerned about what the Yanks think of NS than what the taxpayers who pay his wages do.

Look at the deal he gave Rail America.

I do believe he is afraid to come on the Rick Howe show. Fear of actually having to face some Nova Scotians with questions and comments on his government.

And these political wannabees, known as Communication Advisers are a laugh.

Propaganda managers is what they are...With them coaching the Premier its no wonder he comes across as a complete idiot.

Like the chickens , Rodney's days are numbered.

Unlike the chickens, the people could give a "cluck" about Rodney.

Anonymous said...


I feel quite strongly about this and after some deliberation I want to be the first to come out of the wood work and request that Captain Crochet, Bernadette and Chicken be nominated as The Hotliner of the year.I realize its early but I know how politics work and I want to give these chickens a pecking chance:)


The CJCH Halifax Hotline said...

I'd be willing to second you there, Lee. We'll definitely put the chickens forward for "Hotliner of the Year"! Great suggestion...and a hilarious one!

