Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fat and Super Tuesday

Yes, lots going on this Tuesday. Jim mentioned that we seem to know more about the American presidential race than what's going on in our country. I think that is definitely true, but I also agree with Rick when he was talking about how incredibly exciting and history making the race in the States is right now!

We know John McCain pretty much has it wrapped up for the Republicans. I like John McCain, I think he's pretty far left on a lot of topics - he's not a complete nutjob like Mike Huckabee. But on the Democratic side - look at the choices! A black man or a woman who could be president - it's absolutely incredible! I think whichever way it goes, a Clinton/Obama or an Obama/Clinton ticket would be outstanding. That is, if their fierce debates haven't gotten too personal and soured one against the other. I'm so excited - Norman Spector in front of the Commons Ethics Committee today and Super Tuesday results tonight - it's a great day to be a political junkie!!

Jeez, pretty scary advice from Gary McLeod today, one of the members of the Association for the Care of the Elderly: "Don't get old, don't die". The horror stories we've been hearing for the past couple of weeks have been totally disturbing. Nothing's going to change though unless the Health Minister and politicians actually admit there is a problem!!

This Natural Gas thing is bugging me! Delores called me off the air when Rick was speaking to the president of Heritage Gas and essentially said she would never get natural gas because her house will probably blow up and would even cause another Halifax Explosion. I calmly told her (or maybe not too calmly!) that there's a very good reason Ontario hasn't blown up yet, because it's a safe form of energy. I told Delores if you threw a match in an oil tank that would cause an explosion too.


It's cheaper and more energy efficient - what's not to love? Plus, people heat their homes with propane for pete's sake - I'm no chemist, but I'm fairly certain propane is pretty high up there on the explosive meter!!!

Guess what? It's an all open show tomorrow, so you can talk about natural gas, litter, 4A and much more - it's all yours tomorrow from 10-1.

Thanks for the calls today - chat with you tomorrow!


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